Our Flexible Class Pass:
can be used towards any of our weekly drop-in yoga classes on the schedule (in-person or via Zoom), which are 1.5hr long classes
works well when your schedule can be unpredictable
allows you to take a variety of class styles
the more classes you buy, the lower the cost per class!
We recommend attending classes at least once a week at a minimum in order to maintain health benefits and 3-4x a week for increased, noticeable benefits. Minimum age requirement is 13 years old in order to participate in our regular weekly classes.
Please note:
All class passes, with the exception of the monthly unlimited pass, are activated on the date of purchase and valid for the duration shown below.
We strive to maintain our schedule, but all times, teachers, styles and costs are subject to change without notice.
We accept cash, Interac, VISA and Mastercard at the studio and Visa/Mastercard for purchases made online.
Refund Policy: There are no refunds, transfers, extensions or exchanges for any reason. Please view our complete policy here.

(pay at the door)
Cost per class: $26.54
Attend one yoga class
Pay with cash, interac, visa, mastercard
Expires: March 31, 2025
Fee (includes HST):
Cost per class: $4 or less depending on use
Get online access to video recordings of LIVE classes
Features Hatha, Kundalini and Yin classes taught on the weekly schedule! (12 videos on average each month)
Great option if you are not able to attend LIVE but want to practice along with the current theme
It's a great way to repeat your favorite classes several times during the month
View as often as you like, wherever and whenever on any device!
Recordings are available for a month
Auto-renew monthly payment
Start anytime!
*Cancel anytime by logging into your account before the renewal period