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Tel. 123-456-7890

Fax. 123-456-7890

500 Terry Francois Street, 
San Francisco, CA 94158


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What is Yin Yoga?

Yin Yoga is a more passive approach of practicing yoga in the sense that you explore the shape of a pose for a long duration to allow for time and gravity to help target the connective tissues of the hips, pelvis and lower spine. This style of yoga gently allows these tissues to stretch, facilitating better circulation, joint health and improving flexibility.


The majority of the poses are doing either seated or lying down on the mat, and you may recognize some of the poses from the Hatha Yoga tradition. However, because the intention of the Yin Yoga practice is towards nurturing inner stillness, awareness, and the foundational structure of the body - the poses are named differently and surrendered into, which changes the experience entirely from a faster-paced more physically demanding yang practices such as Hatha and Kundalini Yoga.


Whereas the yang practices exercise our muscles, Yin Yoga is considered the "yoga of the joints"!


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What are the benefits of Yin Yoga?

Yin Yoga offers the time to explore the stretch as you practice over 30 traditional poses and variations that can be practiced at even a beginner / intermediate level.


With a consistent practice of Yin Yoga, you can experience many benefits:​

  • emphasis on longer, deeper stretching of the tissues that surround your body's moving parts

  • provides a stretch for deeper connective tissues such as ligaments, tendons and deep fascia

  • improved joint health

  • increased mobility

  • better organ function

  • stillness of the mind

  • stress relief

  • emotional healing

  • pain relief

  • better breathing

  • flexibility

  • weight management

  • improved circulation

  • focus on the present

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Why practice Yin Yoga?

Yin Yoga, because of its focus on joint health, is very accessible for most fitness levels and is a great way for newcomers to yoga and those with health conditions to start. For those with more experience with Yin Yoga, the variations to go into deeper stages of the poses allow for a gradual challenge.


Yin Yoga allows you to slow down and be present in the moment. It gives you time to work to your own level of challenge in a pose and focus on exploring sensations in your body as you go deeper into the stretch. It provides you with a journey towards inner stillness which can help you to let go of both physical and mental tension!


Yin Yoga provides exposure to a variety of yoga poses, it is a wonderful way to learn how to perform the poses slowly and safely, and it is a good introduction to breath techniques, and meditation.


It provides an excellent overall mind-body workout, making it a good cross-training choice!

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What to expect?

In our 1.5-hour classes, you can expect the following class format:​

  • Opening restorative yoga pose with long deep breathing

  • Opening invocation with AUM

  • Slow and mindful practices of yin poses with short periods of rest in between poses and smooth transitions

  • Integration of yoga props into the practice, in order to make poses more accessible and comfortable

  • Final relaxation in Shavasana (corpse) pose to integrate the effects of the practice

  • Meditation to clear the mind and to reduce stress

  • Closing AUM and thought of the day


After your session, enjoy our featured tea and connecting with your class and teacher!

Book your next
Yin Yoga Class!

Yoga with Props



Refer to our online schedule for the day and time for this class.


Use your Flexible Class Pass or pay the Drop-in fee.



Yin Yoga Channel

Stream videos to any device and practice with us anytime & anywhere!


Subscribe to our Yin Yoga Channel today for ultimate flexibility on your mat!

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Teacher Training

Want to deepen your understanding and application of Yin yoga? Interested in personal and/or professional development?


Train to become a certified Yin Yoga teacher with our Yoga Alliance approved training program!


Registration now open for October 2022!



The perfect and tea! We hope that when you think of our name, you instantly feel nurtured, cozy and relaxed.


It's all about self-care here at Yoga & Tea Studio and exploring what it means to "Just Be You", which is our cherished mantra. 


Because living your authentic life, is where it's at, and no one does you better than you. So it's time to connect with your be-you-tea-ful self and glow!


We make it easy for you to fit wellness into your day to keep physically, mentally and emotionally fit.


View our list of services and get started on your wellness path with Ottawa's Yoga & Tea Studio! 



© 2008-2021 Yoga & Tea Studio Inc.




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By Appointment Only

Monday to Friday: 9:00 - 17:00

181 Hidden Lake Crescent, 
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

K0A 1L0




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